Ever since I lecturing Public Opinion Subject, I been thinking that I should write some opinion in newspaper or public sphere as a role model for my student. The idea is already there but the thing is... I'm not confident enough to posting it. I don't wanna involve in some kind of deep debate with some strangers not to mention that I have to fully responsible for all things that I post. Is that ridiculous that I encourage my student to write when Me, Myself haven't start yet v;. what can I say, talk is cheap. literally cheap! Speaking of writing and talk, Lately i feel like my English sound so terrible!, I forgot how to spell some vocabulary. I even lost my confident to speak in English ;v because you know what? Indonesian people are hilariously grammar Nazi ;v. though they themselves broke the language. Ever heard how Indonesian people pronounce social media application called PATH?. They spell it pet instead of pa'th. *here you go miaw the grammar police ;v I ...