
Showing posts from December, 2017


Well, im in the middle of marking my students exam. I got like 13 class this semester, I thought gonna be the same like next semester. turns out when I counted 'em it more than 13 class. since 1 class will be divide into 3 so I supposed there are 16 or 17 classes. ;v almost can't breath. I think I understand why I'm getting fat. I forget to thanks to Allah. to busy counting what Allah give. but doesn't thanks Allah for giving me such a bless.  talking about count remind me about number.  We. maybe we are just number in this life. like in our civil card, people give us number to arrange our life.  im little bit dizzy now, because, like every semester I have to give number to a number. you got what I mean? marking the student paper -____ its not easy like the says. because this is bunch of class. I got to read all of it. and worst of all, give them mark. awch. if you were me you will understand why I got dizzy. cause most of stud...