MLTR (Miaw Learn To Rock) ;v

And "God loves all his children" is somehow forgotten But we paraphrase a book written thirty-five hundred years ago I don't know. - Macklemore, Same love I supposed its been two or three years ago since the first time I heard this song but still.. this part still tickle me. I'm not gonna lie. Sorry, no offense, I don't mean to be rude with all of christian around the world or Macklemore fans. but em,.. this is really sound so ridiculous. You ask me Why ? before I go through talk about how ridiculous that part, let me talk about how I start to care about LGBT, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. Back then I was working on my Master degree, long story short, I was typing my thesis, then this song just play in one of my favorite radio, 99.7 DJx (yeah, I love to stream this Louisville radio) at the time, I was thought, what a waste, nice tune but the lyrics sound so awful. I never thought this LGBT thing will be a big deal at the time. I though...