MLTR (Miaw Learn To Rock) ;v

And "God loves all his children" is somehow forgotten
But we paraphrase a book written thirty-five hundred years ago
I don't know. - Macklemore, Same love

I supposed its been two or three years ago since the first time I heard this song but still.. this part still tickle me. I'm not gonna lie. Sorry, no offense, I don't mean to be rude with all of christian around the world or Macklemore fans. but em,.. this is really sound so ridiculous.

You ask me Why?

before I go through talk about how ridiculous that part, let me talk about how I start to care about LGBT, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender.

Back then I was working on my Master degree, long story short, I was typing my thesis, then this song just play in one of my favorite radio, 99.7 DJx (yeah, I love to stream this Louisville radio)
at the time, I was thought, what a waste, nice tune but the lyrics sound so awful.
I never thought this LGBT thing will be a big deal at the time.
I thought this issue will just emerge and gone as fast as it come. or so I thought....


28 June 2015

That exactly the time that LGBT start to caught my attention. that is when my favorite (again) artist tweet that she support LGBT, Sherina Munaf, which today known as Sherina Sinna,

What the f.. fish sher!. is that what you call open minded? or you just happen to be drunk when you type those words.

back again to the question why those Macklemore lyrics sound ridiculous, Its because 3 words inside it. Forgotten, paraphrase and I don't know.

You know the guilty always find the way to justify their sin.

Its like Macklemore said, people already forget that God will loves all his children no matter what. But then again, he mention that we paraphrase the book that written thirty five hundred years ago (I reckon he was talking bout Testament's), like he admit, that people (include himself) like to paraphrase word in bible to justify their action. And later he, himself doesn't sure what he talking about, (I don't know). 

In Islam, this kind of thing often to happen, 

For example,QS, Al-Ma'un(107): 3

So woe to those who pray....

If you just read this sentence and stop, you might got it wrong., you end up thought pray doesn't good for you. 

but If you continue to read the next verse QS, Al-Ma'un(107): 4 

[But] who are heedless of their prayer...

You will get the full sentence, the one is woe is those people who are heedless of their prayer.

Another example is Shahadda, La Ilaha illallah. If you only read a half, you will got La illa (There is no God) but if you read it all together, La illaha illallah (There is no god but Allah).

Whats makes me laugh is, Do they really read their bible?....

Again, I like to remind you reader, I dont talk about all christian but The one who use verse of bible "God loves all his children" as justification for LGBT. Peace, xoxo 


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