When I said I wanna study abroad. I get sick of bunch of people talking about money and integrity. seriously I don't even know what they are mean by Integrity now. the question just pop up in test, I can even explain it now. what is integrity again?? or you mean intergreedy? =_______ when I talk about the truth they suggest me while saying this word of wisdom, ÿou got to have a rest somehow. wait a second isn't that lyric from song "Just say you wont let go";v anyway my work almost finish now, I can finally catch a breath. I wanna have some kind of holiday, go to nobody even know me wkwkwk. slumdog style. going around city without people even care. I call it gembel style, I went to airport with sandals and typically slumdog look alike. no respect that I get. off course., no wonder.. suppose they listen to Sugababes, People are all the same, they only get judged by what we do My personality reflects me and if I'm
saus tar2 pagi ini gw buru2 mo kekelas PME di dkg 2,yang seharusnya g bakal telad tapi gara-gara menyadari ada 1 bnda penting dalem hidup yang ilang dalam 3 hari ini..KACAMATA gw!!! ternyata uda 3 hari kayak orang bego dalem kelas ,kirain tu kacamata ketinggalan di kamar setelah sukses meacak adul kamar doi masi ga ditemukan jg,.oh dear..kamu dimana,..dengan siapa? gw guarantee doi lagi kedinginan skrang..maaf cinta bagaimana kalo dia dipake orang jahat yg maw merampok bang Bank..eh itu g mungkin.emangny spongebob dan tanda pengenalny a jiahaa,,,ga kepikiran masa-masa sem ini bakal gelap dan suram tanpa kaw disini menemaniku... Kutak akan berubah,kutak ingin kaw pergi selamanya Jeela ngapa jadi vierra ni--" keadaan duit memang memungkinkan untuk beli kacamata baru, tapi sekalinya dipake tu duit... gwa akan mati dengan cara yg g elit yaitu gara2 makan maggie. lebai.... kacamata yg uda 2 taun menemani,menjaga dan memeluk diriku dengan cintamu,nah...vierraaa laggiii..enough.. ok, k
2017; 21st centuries; nothing much change; the way of the world works. we still judging each other, when the real judge were blind. we are playing God, when the real God doesn't even playing with us. the promise is real though some still denying. some believer stay believe on, some believer were blind when the other pretend to be blind. I'm still wondering when this world gonna ends, how this world going to end. a couple days ago I have to met a couple; well, I do remember much about what happen and what conversation goes along but the thing that bother me the most is when one of them says " are you sure?, or it just your imagination ?" Very well, a cruel thing to says lady, I reply. I must admit that kinda harsh, I thought I'm was the most harsh people in this world ;v I know I dream a lot, almost can't tell which one is real and which one wasn't but I never though that question will be asked ;v but I wasn't angry back t