

21st centuries;

nothing much change; the way of the world works.

we still judging each other, when the real judge were blind. 

we are playing God, when the real God doesn't even playing with us.

the promise is real though some still denying.

some believer stay believe on, some believer were blind when the other pretend to be blind. 

I'm still wondering when this world gonna ends, how this world going to end.

a couple days ago I have to met a couple; well, I do remember much about what happen and what conversation goes along but the thing that bother me the most is when one of them says 

"are you sure?, or it just your imagination?"

Very well, a cruel thing to says lady, I reply. 

I must admit that kinda harsh, I thought I'm was the most harsh people in this world ;v

I know I dream a lot, almost can't tell which one is real and which one wasn't but I never though that question will be asked ;v

but I wasn't angry back then, I just realize word just word, talk is cheap, I believe she didn't think before speak. 

Remind me of Martin Luther King and his infamous speech, "I have a dream" 

I know its ironic how he died right after he gave him speech because he took bullet in his head. Like Mohandas Gandhi (known as Mahatma Gandhi), he was died assassinated.

well, today people still acts that ways, some people dare to delivered their freedom of speech, some people took a bullets, some got bully (well I think bully even worse than took a bullets because the aftereffect is real, people dying slowly), another will just stay silent because they are afraid and desire to live well without causing problem.

Martin Luther king ever says :

If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.
In Quran, Ar-Ra'd (Thunder), Surah 13 Verse 11, Allah says 

For each one are successive (angles) before and behind him who protect him by the decree of Allah. Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. And when Allah intends for a people ill, there is no repelling it. And there is not for them besides him any patron.

after read that I feel like what Imagine Dragon song, tehee ;v

I was Lighting before the Thunder  
after all,my name is light, I put some V-ing after it, what you gonna do, huh?!

one thing for sure, I never design the failure, I know Allah never sleep and karma is real. 


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