Hoaxnya luar biasa.

I hope u're not read this cause i WILL read this for you.lol

kemaren ada cewek ngadd gw di facebook,
funny that no mutual friend. i just wonder. how she find me?
temen tk bukan, sd apalagi, smp?? sma???
anyway she kinda newbie in facebook.
ga ada temen sama sekali..
1 hal yang buat lucu,.temen cewek ini cuma 1. yaitu pacarnya.
lucunya pacarnya doi itu adalah orang yang pernah suka sama gw.wow..magic.

what's the point to add me then?
even he, himself not add me as friend on facebook?

devil whisper to me , do you wanna show me that you're dating a girl right now??

i remember that boy used to be hode
(laki-laki nyamar jadi perempuan di dunia maya,.khususnya game online).
tolong jangan bilang cewek itu hoax..

PHEW...i hope i got wrong guess. cause u can't be that bad hah?
i wish u happy with her then :D


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