Nothing to lose

Poor charlie,
well, at least Lucy gives him advice.
though she's not really give the solution,
 but I guessed a she already does a good thing which is listen to charlie brown.
Kinda worth for 5$. LOL

Anyway, this comic strip reminds me of my friend, Debi.
Debi ever ask me
 "who is the person in the world you trust the most?"
I was like..... i guess little bit space out.LOL
She asks me when I was driving so actually I can't really think straight.
I told her, people who I trust the most is myself.
and she asks me again, what bout your family, your parent and your siblings.
I smirk, I see this coming.

I ask her question to buy a time to think.
how do you define trust, be?
(sometimes I call her be from Debe or a boi from Deboi instead of Debi. LOL)
she explains what is trust in her understanding.
she thought that the people she trust the most is her childhood friend.
In Debi opinion childhood friend never lie about their life.
surprise me a bit since I argued that people never 100 percent telling the truth about their lives.
sometimes when we told the story to our friend, it's probably 30 percent of the truth, the rest of it was made up story or untold story.
gak semua yang elo denger itu bener- Starburst
Some stories you tell, and some stories you don't -Ted Mosby
so in the end, I told debi. 
boi, have you ever heard quote from Mahatma Gandhi

"Be the Change you wish to see in the World"
Gandhi was saying if we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change.
In other word if we want to have trustworthy friend be the first to be trusted.

Later Debi asks me again, what if people betrayed on us.
Well at least you had already become Trustworthy people. Tee-hee

 hahhahahha, actually I forget the answer from the last question, 
but that is the answer for now. 
and in the end I just end up like Lucy
nothing to lose though. :P

Though now I think the other answer from Debi question,
the idea also come from Gandhi cited in Col. John 'Hannibal' Smith (2010).

"It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts,
 than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence".

what did I say just now? LOL
puzzling huh?
so in my understanding Its better to hold against them than pretending not to notice them.
since Gandhi also said

"Violence is any day preferable to impotence. 
There is hope for a violent man to become nonviolent,
 There is no such hope for the impotence".
err,, Are the two even related? hahahah. forget it pal
Well, lets back to the work -______


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