The Boss?

Job seeker eeeh??

this is the stage when you feel stress, depress, sensitive.

You expect to get the job in your area,
but most of them looking for the experience one.

You expect to get the highest salary,
but you just freshman with no experience.

You expect people to care,
but people to busy with their own business.

Down the road,

You start to feel people leave you behind.

Trust me, I been there before.

*three or two week ago,

when I knew my father got invitation from UNESCO,
I thought maybe this is the chance,
to mingle and looking for the network.


*in the UNESCO field trip

Right before my eyes, I saw Gwang-Jo kim, the director UNESCO, Bangkok.
the most humble man i ever met, I supposed,
so friendly the way he blend with people,
when he saw me, he almost sake my hand,

I was like, man,,, it was close.

but I have no guts to talk to him or even talk about the job.
that is the moment I realize, I got nothing to offer.

Abi have discussion with Mr.Kim and one of UPM staff
When I was paralyze, my Abi got himself talk with Mr.Kim,
It was long conversation, It was like abi met his longest friend.
I look at abi with "abi INTRODUCE ME PLEASE" face
but abi just ignore my code.


when Mr. Kim talk with UPM staff, I took this chance to talk with abi
and it goes like this

Me : bii,, this is the chance help me please, I really want to work with UNESCO
Abi : You have to close with his boss first,
Me : HUH? who is his boss bi??
Abi : yeah.. his boss.
Me : oh come on bi, Who is his boss??
Abi : God, nak.


I guess my Abi was right,
I get to close with human boss first,


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