
Showing posts from February, 2014

let it go

I suppose my memory start to recover, I found it strange though. this morning when I wake up I wonder how could this happen to me and one word linger in my head. it was "ridiculous". so ridiculous and I start to laughing so hard until I realize, darn mia, people might think you are crazy if you laugh that way. I start to rise from the bed when suddenly memories about friends start to haunt me, again. if I could recall what happen to me, the foundest memories that I can remember it clearly now. the things that turn me to this tragedy. betrayed. I cross the limit when I can't stand it anymore. The thing that turns out become the central of the gravity when I got betrayed like almost a hundred times by own friends, my friends with a S, can you imagine that? other thing I start to recall I got another to put in a trust. Allah and family. Thank you Allah I still got family, kachibers especially kak echa and kak hana. I think is time for me to put up...


keponakan gw lagi nakal-nakalnya, mintak iket di masukin ke karung, diarak-arak keliling palembang. sekarang ini doi ngeliatin gw ngetik ni postingan, sesekali gw ngeliat dia sembari berkata "kenapa sayang?" "bisa baca?". lalu dengan tatapan "tante mau main tabnya dong" doi menjawab, "gak bisa,tante". gw pikir-pikir lagi, emang sekarang jaman edan e, umur 3 tahun keponakan gw uda pinter ngabisin "duit-duitan" gw di "line bubble" (game online dari aplikasi online chat). tadi gw buka line bubble gw, duitnya tinggal recehan gopek. gw ga ngerti dah itu dijajanin kemana-mana. ya sudahlah kita doakan keponaan gw jadi lebih pinter dan dikabulkan doanya yang baik-baik. Amiin.


jika memang begitu adanya saya terima lapang dada, karena manusia tak akan berenti menjajah satu sama lain, hanya satu kenyataan yang pasti, mahluk tak kuasa Allah yang kuasa. for my friend who don't understand bahasa, please kindly use google translate. thank you.

mengapa kita bersandiwara?

well if you wanted honestly that all you have to say. i never want to let you go or have you go its better of this way. for all the dirty look the photograph your girlfriend took remember when you break your foot for jumping from the second floor im not okay im not okay im not okay you wear me out.


Day by day. Subhanallah, walhamdulillah, wallaillahaillah, Allahuakbar.


Yak, reader, sekali kagi gw minta maaf karena postingan kali ini gw tulis dalam bahasa indonesia lagi. Long story short , setelah dengan struggle setengah mampus nyelesain project paper akhirnya badan gw uda ga bisa bohong lagi. Gw collapse . gw di sarankan istirahat mikir sama dokter (ceritanya kemaren gw collapse gara-gara kecapekan). Terus terang, kalo boleh jujur gw pengeeeennnnnnn banget ceritain semua kejadian yang menimpa gw kemaren, Gokillllll segokil-gokilnya sumpah. Bagian paling gokil waktu gw di tanya ama dokter, elu ada denger-denger suara aneh-aneh ga?? Percakapannya kira-kira model begini Dokter : elu denger ada suara -suara aneh ga? Gw : *Gw bingung, suara ape ye*           Gw denger suara motor ngebut ama cicak berdecak-decak. Dokter : serius?? Serius lo ga denger apa-apa (matanya kemana-                    mana ga fokus n...

For Those Who Have Heart

Sorry for the title, credits belong to A Day To Remember Band (ADTR). To be honest I'm in the middle of doing something, and to be more honest it was in deadline, but I guess, I have to admit, I'm one of people who loves to work in last minute, or I prefer to called myself The miracle worker (Proud for no reason :LOL). hahaha sorry for bit carried away, in short I would like to leave you with one thought tonight. ..... If You Ever Felt Alone If You Ever Felt Rejected If You Ever Felt Confused If You Ever Felt Lost If You Ever Felt Anxious If You Ever Felt Wrong If You Ever Felt Wronged If You Ever Felt Unclean If You Ever Felt Angry If You Ever Felt Ashamed If You Ever Felt Curious If You Ever Felt Used (Credits belong to My Chemical Romance - I'm not okay) I suppose everybody ever felt all these way before, Ever felt like hanging by a threat? Ever felt you've had too much of this life? Guess what, I give you free advice. 1)Hang on Don'...