For Those Who Have Heart

Sorry for the title, credits belong to A Day To Remember Band (ADTR).
To be honest I'm in the middle of doing something, and to be more honest it was in deadline,
but I guess, I have to admit, I'm one of people who loves to work in last minute, or I prefer to called myself The miracle worker (Proud for no reason :LOL).
hahaha sorry for bit carried away,
in short I would like to leave you with one thought tonight.


If You Ever Felt Alone
If You Ever Felt Rejected
If You Ever Felt Confused
If You Ever Felt Lost
If You Ever Felt Anxious
If You Ever Felt Wrong
If You Ever Felt Wronged
If You Ever Felt Unclean
If You Ever Felt Angry
If You Ever Felt Ashamed
If You Ever Felt Curious
If You Ever Felt Used (Credits belong to My Chemical Romance - I'm not okay)

I suppose everybody ever felt all these way before,
Ever felt like hanging by a threat?
Ever felt you've had too much of this life?

Guess what, I give you free advice.

1)Hang on

Don't let yourself put a blame on anybody or even to yourself.
Just bear the pain (Remember, What doesn't kill you turns out make you stronger),
Give yourself some credits,
and above all take a comfort from your God, Allah.
Have a faith.

2) Learn to admit your mistake

we will never learn from our mistake if only we admit it.

3) Don't be Mr/Miss Right
If you think that you're right, make sure you see it from different perspective, 
You don't deserve to thought that you are right if you only refers to yourself.


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