
There was a time, when one of my fellow friend happen to write twitter status about quran.
in that status she appear mad on the fact that quran was written in arabic language.
she said, why quran write in arabic.
and I was like, man.. you don't say.

Quran already write in many language,
and Hello, moreover today human already invented translator machine (e.g
instead of questioning, why don't you read it fellas?

QS Al-Alaq [96:1-5]

READ IN THE name of your Lord who created,

Created man from a clinging substance

Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous -

Who taught by the pen 
Taught man that which he knew not.

My abi once told me, Prophet Muhammad S.A.W can't read and write or we called it illiterate. 
he has no mother or father (pass away)
have you ever compare yourself with our prophet?
so don't tell me you dont want to read quran because it was write in arabic.
no offense to my friend, if you happen to read this posting. I don't mean any harm, I just sharing  what i know now ;)


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