Inception ;v My respond to

Hmm.. How do we start it....

hmm,, gimana ya,

I writing this as a respond to this article
named ten courses that might be going down a.k.a close. or to be precise the author use the work vanished. the top 10 courses that might get vanish.

Tulisan ini merupakan respond gw terhadap tulisan di link berikut, penulis dari artikel ini mengatakan ada 10 jurusan yang dia duga terancam punah, alias di tutup.

You know what, I well aware that the author already put it as his/her own opinion. So basically what I understand here, there is no real survey or research how this 10 courses will be close.

Gw sadar penulis menekankan di tulisan tersebut bahwa hal itu adalah sekedar pendapat ataupun opini dari dia pribadi.

Basically what the writer said, the top ten "vanish candidate" is 1)Music, 2)Politic and Government, 3)Hotel Management, 4)Agriculture 5)Journalist 6)English Literature 7)Anthropology and Archaeology 8)Film 9)Human Resources 10)Art.

Penulis artikel tersebut mengatakan 10 jurusan ini merupakan calon jurusan yang terancam punah ataupun ditutup yaitu 1)Music 2)Politik dan pemerintahan, 3)Management Hotel, 4)Pertanian, 5) Jurnalis, 6)Sastra inggris 7)Antropologi dan arkeologi, 8) Film, 9)Sumber daya manusia 10)Seni rupa

No offense for the author but I actually find it quite amusing. though as a matter of fact I dont really have real data about it but I can tell, 10 courses that the author have mention is really far from the end. Not even close enough to vanish.

Tidak bermaksud menyingung penulis, Gw merasa opini tersebut agak konyol. walaupun gw pribadi ga ada data nyata tapi gw yakin, 10 jurusan itu bener-bener jauh dari kata akan punah.

Shortly, The writer mention about number of jobless from almost all these 10 courses but she/he might be forget the fact that almost all courses all over the world have a big number of jobless graduate. As for me I don't believe people got  jobless only just because their major.

Pendek cerita, penulis mengunakan banyaknya jumlah pengangguran di 10 jurusan tersebutdi indonesia sebagai dasar justifikasinya. Seperti dia lupa pada kenyataannya semua jurusan memiliki alumni yang mengganggur. konyol kalau kita berpikir seseorang menjadi pengangguran hanya karena  jurusan kuliahnya.

Lets try from Political and government course.
We well aware our political government isn't perfect, still full of flaw, or in short, we haven't meet the ideal political and good governance. as for that do we got to close this course??

Kita sadar, Politik, pemerintahan negara kita penuh dengan kecacatan, kita belum menemukan sistem politik dan pemerintahan yang ideal untuk negara kita. Untuk itu perlukah kita menutup jurusan ini??

These days, Although the government servant is not always from Political government background doesn't mean we didnt need think tank. ,
when there is crack in our political system, dont you come to them and said, this is your field area, do something! create transformation bla bla bla. give them a break ;v

Walaupun sekarang pegawai pemerintah tidak seluruhnya lulusan dari jurusan ini, bukan berarti mereka tidak diperlukan, lulusan ilmu politik dan pemerintahan merupakan think tank terbaik. Tidak mungkin kita mengharapkan seseorang lulusan komputer untuk membuat suatu pemikiran mengenai politik.

Music, Art, and Film.
I dont know why the writer thought these courses, I wonder if the writer really life in earth heheh sorry JK. Look around you know how this three thing evolve day by day not to mention today

Jurusan music, seni rupa dan film,
sebenernya gw merasa ini juga konyol, dengan ada perkembangan music, seni dan perfilman indonesia sekarang apa yang membuat jurusan ini akan punah?  Belakangan ini kita bisa lihat sendiri film-film indonesia yang terdapat unsur seni dan musiknya.
Justru lulusan jurusan ini akan sangat di perlukan untuk menjaga dan mengembangkannya.

Anthropology and Archaeology, Hotel management

I believe this two  is related, with anthro and archae graduate we could discover and taking care Indonesia heritage. We well aware most of our tourism destination is ancient heritage like temple and statue,I believe anthropology and archeology graduate is needed for that matter.

antropologi dan arkeologi, managemen hotel

Gw rasa jurusan ini sangat berkaitan satu sama lain, lulusan antropologi dan arkeolog jugaberperan penting dalam pariwisata indonesia. Mereka dapat merawat dan menjaga peninggalan terdahulu yang kebanyakan adalah tempat-tempat pariwisata populer seperti patung dan candi.

Hotel Management is have strong bond relation with tourism courses. With all cooperation happening in our country. ASEAN Games, AEC, KAA, not to mention beautiful holiday destination in Indonesia, what makes you think that hotel management is no longer needed? think about it.

Lebih-lebih lagi managemen hotel, managemen hotel sangat diperlukan dalam situasi ini. Dengan banyaknya hubungan internasional dengan negara lain membuka kesempatan untuk perkembangan pariwisata indonesia. Hotel sangat diperlukan untuk menampung turis-turis yang datang. Hotel yang nyaman tentunya mengambil peran besar dalam menjaga angka turis yang datang.

Journalist, English Literature, Agriculture
this is the most confusing thing that I wonder how could writer end up thought these course is about going down.

You kidding me right? with this all of disaster and rare good food what makes you think agriculture course will be close? even in almost all University agriculture is the top 10 research that been doing and done by Indonesia scholar. Agriculture is essential for human life. their graduate can teach our farmer, new method to plant as well take care of environment. Are you expecting architect graduate to do this?

Talking about Journalist and english literature,
I ever work as journalist, and I realize with all stuff going on in our world today,flood information and some bad stuff like hoax information, I believe we need people from this course, the course that will create critical thinking people that able to give information and idea from their paper. As for English literature, the writer says English can be learn through private course,

the question is if this course will be close, who will be the teacher at the private course? :v You tell me

Once again no offense to writer/author,

You should have known the power of opinion, it could brainwash people.

Hopefully the people who read your article open up their mind, to think it over and over again,
or else you will end up makes people really take this courses down because they lose faith in these courses, by that time, that is the end for all of us ;v ok just kidding, we totally going just find,aamiin.


Dim Akbar said…
Well, pada akhirnya setelah 7 tahun tulisan ini release, 10 jurusan tersebut masih banyak peminatnya, para ahli bilang akan punah? Mereka lupa bagaimana evolusi itu terjadi, bagaimana nasi dari hasil pertanian padi di sawah yg selalu dimakan dan musisi seperti ardhito, niki, rich brian dll dengan penjualan jutaan copy hits andalannya karena sekolah musik

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