
Ever heard song from Indonesia named Bunga di tepi jalan?
that was folks song but got recycle and sang again by Sheila on 7.

I ever wonder is Sheila on 7 ever have haters? ;v

Anyway, I just remember the old song that I used to heard on radio back then when I was University student. It was sang by Lil Wayne featuring Eminem.

I saw the video and I know it was about bully.

the first verse from Lil wayne was

Throw dirt on me and grow wildflower - Lil Wayne

according to Genius.com, its about Lil Wayne throwing the statement to haters that he wasn't care about the haters, like Taylor Swift in her song, haters gonna hate, and we will make them pay for what they done.

and Eminem , Marshall, on the chorus sings

You showed me nothing but hate, you ran me into the ground, but what comes around goes around.

In Indonesia we have the same things, same idiom or haiku that saying

Apa yang kau tanam, itu yang kau tuai
what you do, good or bad deeds, it will back to you like boomerang.



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