
How do you define Edge??

Just like another day, I remember the old song, my song when I try to finish my degree.
Closer to the edge by Thirty Seconds to Mars.

if you happen to watch video you might thing that I'm sort of like lose my faith, or turn on the radio as the substitute of prayer.

No, No, No, No (;v well this is maybe sound like the lyrics of the song).

No, I'm not one of them. not even close. sorry to say,

The first time I heard that song it was from radio. I like the spirit!, the song was about the lead actor in the song was on the edge. He was fighting over something and he is about to make his life better.

This kind of song trigger people in different way, you could check on their video. People translated it to different point of view. Some people just lost in their ways and some of them happen to found the ways.

Well then, I tell you what, that is why we born in this world, to fight for it. In Islam We called it Jihad. Jihad is fight against demon.

Kenneth Waltz cited in Nye and Welch in their book Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation (2011) says that there are three level of analysis to analyze what happen in international politics, As far that I'm concern that three level of analysis is applicable almost under all circumstances even in daily basis.

In this case, jihad, so we could determine Jihad in three level,

let me break down it for you before you got confused ;v

first, Individual level

In simple way of jihad in individual level we got to fight against our bad side, is humane that we have bad side, if we could control it, for example gossiping and smoking, if we could reduce it, we just done jihad in level of individual, just that simple.

In Islam, harming yourself is not good, same thing like you gossiping and smoking, you just harm your heart and literally heart and lungs (not to mention people you love around you).

second, State level

In simple way to jihad in state level, if you happen to born in peace country like mine, you are lucky!.
of course Im not going to talk about criteria peace countries now, but for the sake of this post lets just saying that peace country like Indonesia, with almost no war like World War I or War in Palestine.

Jihad level countries in my definition is Pay the taxes, when you pay the taxes, for the love of Allah, you just done jihad. Taxes was mean to help people in countries, authority is responsible for that matter.

and last but no least, System level

Jihad in level system is Silaturahim or we said in Simple English keep contact, use all your social media to keep your networking in the good way.

Just that simple isnt it?

though talk is sure cheap or easy to say this stuff , but practically tough, I know, trust me I know,

we know that is not that easy, but if you keep asking that again without the real action.

We not moving anywhere, stuck in reverse over and over again.

Lets act now, give yourself some credits ;)


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