Simply Ignorance

You have a bad day... you sing a sad song, just to turning around. Well at least that was my favorite song back then when I still doing my bachelor degree. Until I have enough listen to sad songs. Well, I prefer to listen to the sad song when I'm happy and other way around. well sound strange, but it just me ;v

so lately, I feel like people no longer talk their feeling inside the chest and mind but they talk about it loud and clear. It feels like the wind eavesdropping their trash talk and send it back to me. Its all echoing in my ear and I can't help it but heard it.

for example:

two days ago.

Well, im in the middle of doing sort of University work and stuff, so I went to nearest mall near University with 3 (three) students of mine. 2 (two) of them is girls, one free hair another wearing hijab and another one is boy. all of them is good looking. If we go around the city I feel like all eyes on us. We can't really help it, they are beautiful creatures ==.

anyway we went to eat in one of local restaurant and all things that I cant hear is kinda funny.


for example...

they are models, aren't they?

I look around and see, well I have to see girls with long hijab and looking good.
so I presume they talked about those people.

later on, when I want to pay the bills, I heard one statement that blow my mind away,

What the hecky, how come Dosen LB (more likely lecturer on contract, not permanent lecturer) have lot of money. (so sorry, I don't get it on this part, I didn't pay by cash, I pay on debit and what so rich about debit card -____)

well.. its that kind of statement or they talked about me -____

I look around, I can't see another fellow lecturer. and I was like

For the love of the Allah, WHAT ARE YOU LADIES!!!

mind your self business you fool -_!!!!!!

but i keep my tongue, instead I talked to my students,

Me : did you hear what I believe that I just hear? lucky we are been here before. it just me or they talk about us?
Student 1 (boy) : I presume this place was design that way, miss.
Me : Remind of high school moment, I will make kinda scene will saying where is my lawyer (well for the sake of the story kinda make it that way hahahaa, but the real thing is more likely who is your father, my father will deal with your father, same thing same). Thanks for join my projects guys. lets heading home ;v

so for those who have heart,
mind your own nose will you??? stop sniffing on other people business.


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