Enough is Enough

Well, I try my best to write this long post in english. Hopefully the reader will understand it, though I think there are no people who actually read this blog :v

Anywho, since today is 25 December, I would like to write about Christmas.

As I search on google, I found out that Christmas was come Latin language, meaning born. as some of you might be know that Christmas was celebrate on period 4th A.N (Anno Domini).
on period 1st to 3th A.N the world was rules by Roman Empire. Romanian people is worship the sun. So that to make Catholics acceptable in the life of roman society,they made it syncretism,mix religions and cultures together, and bring the celebration of the Sun God (God of the Sun) with the birth of Son of God (Jesus Christ). Well actually lot of version come up, if you were curious, you could punch on Google by yourself. 

So I'm write this post for my fellow muslim friends,Its already written in quran Al-Maaidah 5: 104;

And when it is said to them, "Come to what Allah has revealed and to the Messenger," they say, "Sufficient for us is that upon which we found our fathers." Even though their fathers knew nothing, nor were they guided?
Enough for us what people before us done. You don't have to say merry x-mas to your christian friends. there are lot of ways to show how much you care with them. Use your mind and learn quran as your guide line, If you already done it before, let it so, but remember its enough for you already to done it in the past, you gotta learn to stop doing it in the future. because you well aware that something smallest action done it repeatably could be major.

use your eyes to see the inner future ;v hehehe im just jokin for this line, but seriously guys. we done lot of mistakes. The question is, when we wanna learn from those mistake?


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