what you gotta do?

It's only took one trip to bring back thousand memories


what you gotta do if you got chance to turning back time ?

As for me, I like to go back to time when I struggle; back then with all my ranger. v;
feels like now to many war wound, not enough war. 


So I just back from short trip to Malaysia. If you were read my previous post before, when im sort of confuse, feel empty, and I was thought maybe I missing the adventure. I got to admit, well im sure I missing alone adventure. but the thing is maybe not only that but I feel like to go to new place with new challenge. 

In my trip to UUM, I have no desire to take any picture there ;v. thou I snap some IG story. seriously I got no interest to keep that. and maybe the thing is, its never been UUM that I miss but the memories with UUM itself.. 

Something that bothering me the most is. FOOD!. all my favorite FOOD is GONE!. 
My big Brother says they already long gone. and I was like. they are the most reason why I want to visit UUM dear brother --"

My brother took me to eat All you can eat restaurant, where you can eat all what you like in one price. Usually When I was there that was my favorite all time restaurant. and that night I was wondering how to finish all the food. --" I feel like, where the hecky the old me, Am I too old to this stuff?

I know I usually think more how to dress but that night too tired to think about it ;v

on very next day I met my sister Sakinah. the fact that she look like so tired that bothering me; i feel like want to cancel our meeting but she insist to meet me because I will leaving to KL soon. we don't really talk that day. just eat and going around. but I know that she really keen to meet me that is what makes me feel that there is someone who still care about me; cause sometimes I feel like even me myself think less about it ;v.


8 December 2016

Heading to KL; big brother took a picture of me; and that the moment I feel like I don't like the way i look

Thou my brother says you look just fine. I feel like; this kind of style not suit me anymore

I went to toilet and change my shirt. that moment I start to realize maybe I like to wear long dress/shirt these days. V: im seriously getting older.

maybe not getting older but getting fatter ;v


Soon as I arrived in Kuala Lumpur, I feel like KL sentral getting dull. whats wrong with Malaysia. they said Malaysian Economy getting worst since Najib regime. there you go corruption, against it is the great struggle of all the time....

Good news to take suddent trip to KL is I finally meet Kak Echak!. Took two years to finally meet our dearly beloved senior Ayesha Lorenza, Bad News is only in short times, DAYUM!. I miss the moment took trip with her and other senior. and most of All, with her I could eat all food with no worries about how it taste and size of the portion because it just DELICIOUS and we don't care ;v

one brunch thousand story ;v

what makes me more happier is she know where to find cheap books. And I promise my self I gotta back to KL bring one big luggage; the empty one, just to fill it with those book!. DAYUM


And I also got chance to meet LUNA! my favorite junior all the time hahahahaah

Last time I met her was end of December 2013, and this December 2016 We finally meet again :))


Glad to know nothing changes about them. I feel glad that both of them is doing Great! even in their work they were doing great. I feel grateful to met them. Nakama that can survive in all kind of situation. long time a go we use to eat big portion of fried rice, we name it nasi kuli.. and now that kuli already become great ranger!hahahaha. I know maybe I sound so ridiculous and crazy. but this my kind of A-Team. We love it when the plans comes together ;v.

Can't wait to meet all ranger soon.


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