
People said nothing is perfect,
They said "we still in the learning process",
Yet they can't accept the failure.
We find strange ways of showing
them how much we really care
when in fact we just don't seem to care at all
This pretty world
is getting out of hand
So tell me how we fail to understand?
-Meja, All 'Bout The Money

Last night I heard the people mumbling and crying.
Honesty, I can't stand people crying.
I was like, no, not again. The tragedy in three years ago, happening again.
If I could recall,
the fondest memories about three years ago PPI LPJ was the tears of my senior Ayesha Lorenza.
and it's eating me up inside to see it.

The man next to me was crying.
and it was the loudest crying in that hall
and I was like, come on.
pull yourself together, you're a man, don't you cry.
but He can't help it, that man keeps crying.

It was a tragedy


I don't want to retell what exactly happened last night, 
but I loved to tell you one story,  
might be not the same exactly like last night tragedy,
but still, There's a lesson to be learned here.

Three years ago

*family room*

For no reason my family gathered in the family room,
Everybody was busy with their own business
I don't really recall what happen, but I do remember at the time,
my Umi was reading the newspaper.

Fun fact about media in Indonesia.
Everyday is corruption news.
apparently, one case caught my Umi attention,
In no time, my Umi is mumbling about the case she read.
and I thought my Umi got the news in the wrong way.

That is where the tragedy began.

For a half an hour my mother and I arguing about the news.

In short, this is how the arguing goes

  • Umi : so you're telling me that I am wrong, Just so you know, I have lived longer life than you.
  • Me : but Umi, I am studying this matter, and I know precisely how it's supposed to be.
  • Abi: Miaaaaa, Come here *my father ask me to come to his room*

Lesson 1 :

Don't be silly, Do not argue with old people especially your mother.

That was drag on, I was carried away, I suppose my father call was save me from how moron I could be.
Nothing I gain from that meaningless arguing, -______-

  • Abi : Not good mia, not good.
  • Me : but bi.. bi..
  • Abi : I send you to Malaysia to study not to show off.
  • Me : *silent*
  • Abi : If you do recall our Rasullah, S.A.W ever speak avoid meaningless debate. Let me tell you one thing Mia, 

Lesson 2 :
Berjalan di depan tetapi tidak mendahului,
Berilmu tapi tidak menggurui,
Tajam tapi tidak melukai

So my Abi was saying
You walk ahead but remember do not outdistance,
Knowledgeable but not patronizing
and You're sharp but not hurting. 

Ewww, what a bad English I got here, anyone could help me translate this word of wisdom? LOL.


I supposed at the time I still inexperienced, well, even today-__ hehehe
I forget what my Abi ever told me and end up making the same mistake, again, and again.
but last night, that memory come back again.
and I start to realize, what Abi trying to say.

May God always protect us from words and meaningless debate 


Anonymous said…
My dad used to said "We may argue, as long as we have the good will. If we use our emotion, the argument will be worthless."
Any way, kenapa eca nangis pas LPJ? OMG, betapa ansosnya saya. Hahaha..
Nur said…
hahah respectxD
itu inget ga yang lpj di tolak
nangis la anak orang di kamar.
Anonymous said…
widiw, macam cinta ditolak ya..
peace caa (^^)v
Nur said…
drama once in the life kakka xixiixixix larrriii *

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