The Woman

Never thought I'd live to see the day
When everybody's words got in the way
- Neon Trees, Everybody Talks.

Long story short I got myself accompany my father to attend a *censored* seminar from 10-12 December 2013 in Kuala Lumpur.
Well I try my best to retell the story but I guess I like to start from this story first, since this story was quite amusing. lol

12 December 2013

12.00 pm (Putra Jaya)

(Group delegate got lunch in Putrajaya)

My father told me to mingle with other with his banana theory,
The banana theory is the banana fruit has to be separate with the tree (mother) so it can grow up. In other word he asks me to be independent. 


I was sitting all alone in a very round table in one cafe near by Putrajaya when suddenly a group of woman come and sitting next to me.

Well honestly, I am trying to be cool and not sweat myself because it appears these three women were happening to be superwomen.
When I said it superwomen, I wasn't referring to cat women or what so ever, 

the thing is, they look smart. 

FYI, in Malaysia title is everything, especially in formal events.
My friend got herself scolded by lecturer because she doesn't address him as Prof.
Blimey __-. I was like, Darn banana theory! __-.

When I was looking at my father with "Abi, please take me away from here" face, The woman next to me start the conversation. For the sake of the story, let's pretend that women was A, and another two was B and C.

*situation B and C went to take their food (buffet lunch)
A : So what's your name? what do you do for a living?
Me : My name is Mia, I'm still studying, err Prof.?
A : Nope, I'm still Doctor. but I'm working on it. Pray for me.
A : PhD student are you?
Me : Amiin prof :) *safeee.... *
Me : No, Prof, I'm doing master.
A : Lets eat *went to take food*
Me : after you Prof.

*situation B went back and bring fruit salad
B : Why don't you eat?
Me : After you Prof. *smiling*
B : hahaha, I'm not prof I'm Doctor, but you can call me kakak *smiling* (sister in Malay)
Me : *smiling* what about another one (I was referring the C)
B: I suppose she has no title you can call her kakak.
Me : I see. okay Dr. I guess I can take my food now.
*everybody already in the table, I went back bring some spaghetti
C : *staring at me*
Me : *smiling* (honestly, I almost wet myself. lol)
C : euuwh, so modern, eating spaghetti, in small size, I suppose she was on diet *Sarcasm tone with scary face*
Me : *smiling and pretend don't hear what she said*

C : *started to mumbling about how much money that the government spend for UUM, which I don't really understand, but I guess she was saying that the government give lot money to UUM than her university*.
B and C : *randomly talking about Abi, well, it appears they liked my father*

C : So why you just silent, you understand Malay is it?
Me : yes, mam
A : she's doing master.
C : oh really, where?
Me : UUM.
C : oh I see. (Surprisely , she looks panicked)

A : So you come here as a delegate from UUM?
Me : No, prof I came here to accompany my father.
A : really, who's your father?
Me : That guy *pointing at abi*
A, B and C : What?????
Me : hehehe *awkward smiling, walk a way from table*

Man, that sure awkward.

The lesson is learned.
Hahhaa, Did you get what I'm trying to say?

Oh my my s**t
Everybody talks, everybody talks
Everybody talks too much
- Neon Trees, Everybody Talks. 


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