That Man

But I would walk five hundred miles
And I would walk five hundred more
Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles
To fall down at your door
- The Proclaimers, I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)

I suppose man like the proclaimers about to become extinct in all over the world.
Wonder why I thought so?, because today our world is out of balance.
In this 21st century, Man can do what a woman does and vice versa.
and turns out it also effect on the mob rules.
Before today, Man will chase after the Woman they loved. 
somehow women in this century appear to be more aggressive than man.
I mean like, take a look at Korean K-Pop.
How many girls willing to die for no reason for them.
as a result, most of man was expecting the girl to chase after them.
well it just my assumption but emm,,
Well, I leave you with that thought.
Week ago

I was waiting for the bus to go to Kuala Lumpur to meet my father in Uni Inn, UUM.
got nothing to do while waiting, I decided to make phone calls.
I call my Umi (Mother) to tell her I'm on my way to Kuala Lumpur.

Before you decide to read more this posting, I warn you,
this following conversation might sound so wrong;
but this is daughter and mother thing. I suppose this is our language of love
so this is how the conversation goes.

Umi : So you ask my husband to check your project paper grammatical error, are you mad? find yourself a husband, don't bother mine.

Me :  hahah, sorry Umi, haven't found one, Man today is selfish, They thought they were so handsome and we have to chase after them. just let me borrow your husband.

Umi : what the.... Mia you don't have to chase the man, if a guy wants to be with a girl, he will make it happen, no matter what. There is no what, no but. take look at your father.

Me : ha-ha Umi, this is 2013 almost 2014. A man like Abi is about to become extinct. Maybe Abi is the only one who left. *laughing so hard*

Umi : whatever, just get married already. and one more important thing, he has to be a good Muslim.

Me : ay ya ya captain. just keep praying so I find my exception. The one who will chase after me no matter how stubborn I am. but the thing is, I just haven't met him yet. just be patient granny.


Three or four days ago

*seminar hall bukit bintang hotel*

I got myself one day part time job as an Event Organizer (EO) for an international conference in Bukit Bintang.
short story, that day was tiring day ever, we got a lot of presenters with only three EO in charge.
The leader of the conference was appointing me as MC and at the same times I also in charge as IT technical support -___

I was so tired, my gastric relapse and my nose watering.
I ask another EO to take my position as MC because I can't help it, I can't stand it anymore. tired.
So we exchange the role, I'm in charge in registration table, in front of the seminar hall.

Work in registration table was quite simple,
the duty is whenever people finish their presentation, they will come to ask their certificate and you just assist them, print out their certificate.
but the other EO told me all certificate already printed out, so my duty only give them the certificate.
and thought I should start packing the stuff so we can directly heading home after the seminar end. 


When I'm already packing all the stuff, even put the printer back to the box.
suddenly one man come after me and asking for extra certificate for his co-author.
and appear he is the sabahan.
and I was like, what the darn hell.-___


I print out another certificate for that man *sabahan*,
and suddenly two of somalian guys and arabs come asking for their certificate. 
The arabs one was so angry to me because of his name in certificate was typo.
and I was like, chill out man!.
I was so tired but when I look at the man's face *sabahan guy*,
I feel like one of character in frozen movie, Olaf the snowman.
Some people are worth melting for" - Olaf.
Hahahha, that man was fine man ever,
I try to be cool but can't help it. 

secretly another EO was taking picture of me and that man when I gave him a certificate.
this another EO actually was my friend Debi, hahahha

there was a quick conversation between me and Debi at the time.
Btw, this isn't the precise conversation because I can't find the right vocab for retold it. LOL

Debi : Mia that the man was staring at you during the conference. I supposed he also into you.

Me : I'm sorry, also?. I don't think so, *still to act cool* He just looking at me because he need the certificate

Debi : You're so obvious back then, you already packed the printer yet you open it again.

Me : He's not the only one who as for certificate, there are another two people asking for the same things. so basically I didn't open the printer special for him.

Debi : *laughing* classic Mia.

Suddenly that man was passed by, and I pretend not see him.


almost eight pm
*room hotel*

Me : Debi, I admit this is a quite impressive work, take a look at this picture, I wasn't wrong, this is man so handsome, I can see it clearly now.
Kak Rini : oh no you don't. Please take a look at his finger.
Me : Hiyaaaaa -____ *that man has a wedding ring*


few hours ago

Photocopy shop

I just finish print out my project paper and about to pay for it when the worker of photocopy shop asking me some couple of question. let's just call her A

A : Mia, what are you doing after this, Phd?
Me : ha-ha I will find the job and settle down.
A : oh really, you already got the one? *husband candidate*
Me : no, I'm not
A : so how come you want to get married?
Me : are you saying is unacceptable to make plans to get married if I don't have one? *laughing*
A : *laughing* no, I'm just saying.
Me : just pray for me,  I just haven't met him yet kak. *laughing while went out the store*

I might have to wait, I'll never give up
I guess it's half timing and the other half's luck
Wherever you are, whenever it's right
You'll come out of nowhere and into my life
- Michael Buble, Haven't Met You Yet.


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