
Have you ever listen to Doraemon Opening song Indonesian Version?

so my situation is kind like that verse. I want that, I want those, I want this, I want these, I want to  have a lot things and stuff.

there are 2 (two) solution I suppose, first things first, is diet ;v I eat A LOT, Its been a months since I managed to stop my addicted to instant coffee and so black coffee (They called it Americano in Star Bucks), actually I loved black coffee to the bone ;v
anyway Hence, I got fatter than before. 52 to 66kg; can you believe it ;v ! and Hence I'm have no confident to take picture. DOH! ;v

anyway, I guess the first solution is diet, so I dont spend a lot of money to eat. (BECAUSE I LOVE TO EAT)

and second thing to do is save money through bank saving (of course MIA, or people in other country call me MAIA)

I gotta save money more to purchased new laptop,
so tell me mia, what happen to the old one?? (asking myself)

errr. let see,,, about that thing.
I brought it to Philippines HENCE IT BROKE, THE BATTERY IS DRY.
go to Philippines last time sure cost me a lot :(

and so, did you know, I too tired to pass a lot of security. for example MANILA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY (MIAA) in Ninoy Aquinoy Airport. LOT OF SECURITY THAT I HAVE TO FACE (okay calm down, please kindly turn off your capslock mia).

yeah, you know, for some reason, I cant believe Philippines still obey Marshall Plan Security.

so I remember the last time I read about marshall plan.It was in history of Iron Curtain.
IT WAS NOT YESTERDAY. of course its not. but really. I can't believe Marshall plan still alive.
Its prove that im still stupid with hideous ego, I have to learn more (listening to Sherlock BBC soundtrack, The reichenbach ballad) really ;v.

Talking about money. I remember about it now.

I suppose a couple days ago I spend money in charity. I know we don't have to talk bout good deeds and charity, but there is a lesson here and I aims to share this good story. so back to the story, long story short, while waiting on traffic light I bought some newspaper from disable people. at first I didn't know he was disable. I gave him more that newspaper price (Newspaper was IDR 3000 and I gave him IDR 5000). while smiling I gave it to him says keep the change. He was speaking something like mumbling and makes me realize he was disable and felt guilty instead that I just give him 2000.

at the night, I was reading a book when my phone ring a bell of short message. I just ignore it because I'm to busy to read, when I come to sleep I check my phone and realize that was from 3346 (Bank). somebody just transfer IDR 2M to my bank account, I was like WHAT, trying to read where the money come from. Its was from FISIP (my faculty) UNSRI, my remuneration(sort of reward if you happen to lecturing more than you have too), I was like. Alhamdulillah. it was only IDR 2000 that I gave to charity and now I got IDR 2M. What a bless.

"So which of the favors of your lord would you deny?" - Ar-Rahman 

Anyway I got to finish my book now. I'm sign up for some kind of University Grand me money IDR 20M for E-Learning + Module.

Tomorrow I got to sign for the contract. Got to finish it before December or I ended up losing the money. Wish me luck, Aamin :)


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