Boo with K

"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

I guess little prince is the first time I know about Antoine de Saint-Exupery. My favourite book author all the time.
and so long story short, I found the another sequel of Antoine book, title is "Terre Des Hommes" In Indonesian version. It was on sale, luckyly ;v so I bought one, hoping I could finish it.


up until now I don't really have a time to read the book ;v
I guess tonight I will finish it Philippine I purchased comic that I love when a was a child.
guess what?

I try to read it really. I hope this book long lasting hahaahha

ARCHIE ! I found it in Philippine and the price is EXPENSIVE LIKE HEAVEN. if one day I found the book in garage sell I will punish myself by not eating ice cream for a month -_

archie in cartoon version


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