I wish it wasn't so

and so I'm currently listen to my favorite tune, Waiting for The end by Linkin Park.

so hard to accept that the vocalist that I don't even bother to know his name is already past away.
I heard from radio he was committed suicide because of father issues.
work hard play hard dad, don't force your children do what he don't want to do, as long as he/she still on right path, Allah Almighty Path.

anyway, What I like about Linkin Park is Mike Shinoda lyrics ( A Thousand Suns Album)

This is not the end. This is not the beginning Just a voice like a riot. Rocking every revision But you listen to the tone. And the violent rhythm Though the words sound steady. Something empty's within 'em We say yeah, With fists flying up in the air Like we're holding onto something. That's invisible there 'Cuz we're living at the mercy, Of the pain and the fear Until we dead it. Forget it, Let it all disappear

Every part that mike sangs is amazingly good like took from Alkitab. But I don't really know what Alkitab that mike read because Shinoda name sound Japanese to me. :V

anyway goodnight for all. In my area is 20:50 GMT +7


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