X Ambassadors

hold... hold on.. hold on to me
cause I'm little unsteady.. little unsteady.

this morning happen to listen the old song by X Ambassadors - Unsteady.
If I'm not mistaken, the song is about children, feeling alone without his/her parents. because apparently the parent relationship is on the edge.
and he/she asking their parent to hold em tight and don't let him go.

this is not the new thing that happen to people around the world. broken home sure make people change, without attention from anyone, the family can be the example of the wrong family ever exist in this world.

I happen have friends who suffering the broken home, and so I also happen to have one university student too.

First time I saw her, her hair was painted by green color, I was wondering positive back than, I didn't judge her, because she seem nice to me, beautiful + good attitude. but one day my sister asking me about her, the question is like this :

Sister :  
Sis, that girl with green hair is alumni from our school, bad girl, was she,sis?
Me :  
oh really, nice to know there is alumni around me, bad girl? no,she wasn't, as matter of fact she is the opposite of bad girl. just if I'm not mistaken she working on one of local radio. people on that radio just happen to talk bad, bad joke and bad habit like sailor. I been that place before, seriously I can't stand any minute.

I heard she crying a lot to my friend yuk na. Her father left their mom, married another woman, when I heard the story, I pretty sure her parent is abandon her. because at first she ever study in Jakarta, but why she back again study in Palembang? I believe that new mother doesn't want her to be around.

perhaps, possibility 97.3 %

It must be though sometimes, not to mention her mom passed away last year. It must be hard for her. But I just happy to see her today. she manage to cope up with life. She doing so practicum in one of local Television in Jakarta. yeah, She is grown up.

Habis gelap terbitlah terang - R.A Kartini

Out of the dark comes light,
opposite world of character Warcraft says : From the light comes the darkness ;v

Talking about light, remind me of my trip to manila, to attend ASEAN-UNESCO-APEID.

This is some picture that I took, before I got my gastric back.
Gastric the only disease that I have that able to change my good personality to Monster _-

Im wearing the green hijab. look like stupid people; 
seriously my head still spinning because of 4 hours flight, turbulence and jet lag

I 'm trying some stupid theories on 4 hours flight from Kuala Lumpur to Manila. Pretending to be crazy I pass the flight turbulence and sickness.
result is not pretty, I got sick and my mom too -______,

I regret the thing, I want to stroll alone but the keep their eyes on me. so practically I just wasting my time around room seminar and my room -___

Life action, Out of the dark comes light
Morning sunshine, this is sun in manila 25 october 2017 5:52 AM

okay, I think I will tell more about it next posting, have a nice day all!.
I would like heard some comment about grammar. please kindly correct me if im wrong, readers :)


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