hohoho turn out making a new post become a habit;v I just love to hear the sound when I typing on keyboard, though I suppose to typing my book instead of this post #Tehee Anyway, It's already decided that I will start my new year with some kind of adventure. Already bought ticket for it, so I will be a way for a couple of days. I just worried about the day after the adventure, seriously this semester can be the most heaviest semester ever. I got to keep reading and typing this random post to keep my self use to speak English like I use to ;v .... I came across a book named Philosophy Science
Showing posts from 2016
Greatest Alive
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Second last day before 2017 and radio station start to talk about resolution. Seriously guys? every hella year?? Never sick of the same shoot every year ey?? Maybe just like Indomie instant. for no reason just cant keep my eyes of Indomie ;v #whatthehecky anyhow, I try to think back what best thing happen in this year? lost some weight and gain more? ;v nah. probably not the best thing ever ;v I suppose the best thing ever that happen in this year is International Relation Major UNSRI officially open and suddenly i got 24 students under my guidance :D Well I face 'em with a heart beat, I can't believe this actually happen ;LOL I wonder what would happen in the up coming year?? Hopefully I can be The Greatest alive Amiin (sound like SIA song though ;v)
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I was sitting all alone in the living room while thinking.. well, honestly, I'm not literally alone in this house, this house just to noisy to even begin with. my mom too busy to nagging, she just unleashed her tantrum to us because my little sister broken the electricity. been living in this kind of situation makes me sick of crowds. And I still sitting quietly and start to typing this post. a couple minutes ago got phone call from my close friend. at first she talking about her life. and about people that constantly nosy, asking how happy her life now. and I was like. don't bother, they just asking that kind of question because just don't know what to talk about. and she starts to tell me all the perfect lies she ever told. surprised me that she already grow that much and I feel like she more mature than me, to face that kind of situation. me, myself maybe won't stand that long. If i was her, i'm pretty sure I already long gone. sad but I...
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I'm currently working on lot of stuff., but I wasting my time mostly on playing game ;v and while i typing this post for no reason I craving for Pizza ;v I should saving my money for holiday (which holiday mia ? ;v) well... actually... lecturer... don't have such a thing like holiday ;v let's just order the pizza shall we ?? :v
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Ever heard about Devil's advocate before?? Honestly, i love to play it, and I well aware it cost me a lot. Devil's advocate is when you pretend to believe in some idea, or you against an idea that most people support, just because you want people to discuss more about it in detail, or you want to see more possibility of other thought. Do you get the idea why this has taken toll on me, Because I play with people argument, playing with their feeling and in the end of discussion most of them will argue with me. ;v The thing is I know where to start, but I just don't know where to stop.
Enough is Enough
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Well, I try my best to write this long post in english. Hopefully the reader will understand it, though I think there are no people who actually read this blog :v Anywho, since today is 25 December, I would like to write about Christmas. As I search on google, I found out that Christmas was come Latin language, meaning born. as some of you might be know that Christmas was celebrate on period 4th A.N (Anno Domini). on period 1st to 3th A.N the world was rules by Roman Empire. Romanian people is worship the sun. So that to make Catholics acceptable in the life of roman society,they made it syncretism,mix religions and cultures together, and bring the celebration of the Sun God (God of the Sun) with the birth of Son of God (Jesus Christ). Well actually lot of version come up, if you were curious, you could punch on Google by yourself. So I'm write this post for my fellow muslim friends,Its already written in quran Al-Maaidah 5: 104; And when it is said to them, ...
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this morning happen to watch some sort video in instagram. it was a man told the story about the other man, who got to ride bicycle to work because his doctor says its good to him. and he also told about the man who replace his cigarettes with carrot. because doctors says cigarettes is bad for him. so he decide to replace it with carrot. on the conclusion the man says why we aren't listen to Allah when Allah says good and bad things for us ? and I was like man, well that was good point. simple yet i never think about it before. I well aware im not good in talk or not even well behave. some people will yell at me and some will just pretend to not notice about it. I guess I cant help it. but I believe I'm on my way to change that behavior. after all life is long journey of humility, though the fact that he give up on me after all this time, I guess, I wont give up on myself anymore.
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how do you decide when enough is enough before its too late? just happen to read that sentence in article name three paradoxes of democracy by Aleksandr Shkolnikov. and those words make me wonder about lot of things. like my country. still do know when we getting enough of talking bull. day by day makes me feel that democracy sure crazy, endless talking and bring us no where. what we bragging about when we literally have nothing to brag. makes me start to thinking that maybe democracy itself is the problem. but without democracy, we are not allowing to talk like this, aren't we? dayum; I read that article while listening to charlie puth ;v But you are the fire, I'm gasoline I love you, I love you, I love you, I loved you dangerously - charlie puth well democracy; I love you dangerously jajajajaja ;v
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this morning; out of no where I remember the song in my childhood and it goes like this You must set your sights upon the heights Don't be a mediocrity Don't just wait and trust to fate And say, that's how it's meant to be It's up to you how far you go If you don't try you'll never know And so my lad as I've explained Nothing ventured, nothing gained - That's What Makes the World go Round I never really set any goal before or resolution, I guess I'm just to busy denying the fact that I'm grow up now. I can't believe I'm running out the time, am I? so got to set the path now. hopefully get chance to borrow Hannibal smith line ; I love it when a plan comes together. so; what do you see yourself in 10 years from now? no to be mediocrity ;3
ain't that so??
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The more you read, the more you realize that you know nothing, nothing at all. I suppose today I spend lot of money, but ain't for fun. but the real F.U.N ;v well; at least this time I spend my money for good jajajaajajajaj after all Wilhelm Reich 1971 : Epigraph in handbook of peace and conflict studies by Charles and Johan (1997) once said Love, work, and knowledge are the well-springs of our life [...] consider the book is source of knowledge; I hope its help me on creating my own well-springs, as the Father of our former president; Habibie ever says "Jadilah seperti mata air, karena air ini selalu akan mengalirkan manfaat bagi sekitarnya". - "be like a spring; because its always flow benefits for its surrounding I wish that I could be that kind of spring; been always my foolish dream. tehee
what you gotta do?
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It's only took one trip to bring back thousand memories ;v what you gotta do if you got chance to turning back time ? As for me, I like to go back to time when I struggle; back then with all my ranger. v; feels like now to many war wound, not enough war. ... So I just back from short trip to Malaysia. If you were read my previous post before, when im sort of confuse, feel empty, and I was thought maybe I missing the adventure. I got to admit, well im sure I missing alone adventure. but the thing is maybe not only that but I feel like to go to new place with new challenge. In my trip to UUM, I have no desire to take any picture there ;v. thou I snap some IG story. seriously I got no interest to keep that. and maybe the thing is, its never been UUM that I miss but the memories with UUM itself.. Something that bothering me the most is. FOOD!. all my favorite FOOD is GONE!. My big Brother says they already long gone. and I was like. the...
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I love how Allah inspired me. whenever i feeling down, upset, or disappointed. it almost like he was talk to me, show me the way, cheering me. this morning I have to read this quote: When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there - Zig Ziglar and got my smile back. though I don't know which way to go I believe Allah never leave me alone. and that is more than enough to me. Alhamdulillah. remember that Allah never leave us empty. everything happens for reason.
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Just another scrubby story of my life, got to attend annual meeting in my office, there are two meeting yesterday and i wasn't mean to get those snack and lunch box (we got snack & lunch box for every meeting). I don't mean to sound like arrogant or proud here; but I don't really fancy those box. The moment I got the box, I give it all away to my students. That day when I reach home, I found my parents friends bought us lot of food; and it didn't stop there, at the night their friends from jakarta comes to visit and give lot of bread and clothes as well. and I was like. what a bless. that is Rezeki right? if it means to you Allah will lead it back to you. I already give away rezeki office yet another comes right away. MasyaAllah.
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Hi blog. I know its been a while since my last post. The thing is, im in agony. I feel like I missing some kind of adventures. I just cant wait to travel again. I feel something missing tho im still not sure what is it. Still I have to admit, got lot stuff to do. Almost have no time to me myself and adventure. Did I miss the old me?
Doh ;v
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I don't know what is in my head but for no reason I just want to check my facebook email and turn back to that time. And I found out I was wrong. From the start I already know that it wasn't right. I'm pretty sure someone try to hide the fact from me. and I start to think that somebody is me, myself since im the one who know the password. I just don't understand; i feel like i never read this email before but its already mark as read. But for some reason, feel like, I ever read this before. Wonder if I reply the message ? no trace left though. I know past is in the past but meh! whatever.
The Boss?
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Job seeker eeeh?? this is the stage when you feel stress, depress, sensitive. You expect to get the job in your area, but most of them looking for the experience one. You expect to get the highest salary, but you just freshman with no experience. You expect people to care, but people to busy with their own business. Down the road, You start to feel people leave you behind. Trust me, I been there before. .... *three or two week ago, when I knew my father got invitation from UNESCO, I thought maybe this is the chance, to mingle and looking for the network. .... *in the UNESCO field trip Right before my eyes, I saw Gwang-Jo kim, the director UNESCO, Bangkok. the most humble man i ever met, I supposed, so friendly the way he blend with people, when he saw me, he almost sake my hand, I was like, man,,, it was close. but I have no guts to talk to him or even talk about the job. that is the moment I realize, I got nothing to offer. ...
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. or in english Fullstop. It was a disaster, the biggest mistake I ever made. You know the things about mistake? most favorite serial all the time. "How I met your mother", about mistake, even though it was a mistake, you gonna make it anyway so says Ted Mosby, the leading actor. You dont know it was a mistake until you make it. - Ted Mosby ... that night was the time when I think I have enough. I drift carefully though I almost hit the pedestrian. was pinched dark plus the heavy rain. and I start thinking gotta make it home safely. I don't wanna make one more trouble. as i arrived I play it cool. my father ask me where have you been? you went out with your boyfriend? i was afraid if my father will angry for that. and i was like, no, i go out with fellas., boyfriend?? we are through. I can't contain myself and crying. my dad look at me and says, it's okay dear. he says a lot stuff to comfort me. Im so dead her...
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Ever since I lecturing Public Opinion Subject, I been thinking that I should write some opinion in newspaper or public sphere as a role model for my student. The idea is already there but the thing is... I'm not confident enough to posting it. I don't wanna involve in some kind of deep debate with some strangers not to mention that I have to fully responsible for all things that I post. Is that ridiculous that I encourage my student to write when Me, Myself haven't start yet v;. what can I say, talk is cheap. literally cheap! Speaking of writing and talk, Lately i feel like my English sound so terrible!, I forgot how to spell some vocabulary. I even lost my confident to speak in English ;v because you know what? Indonesian people are hilariously grammar Nazi ;v. though they themselves broke the language. Ever heard how Indonesian people pronounce social media application called PATH?. They spell it pet instead of pa'th. *here you go miaw the grammar police ;v I ...
Inception ;v My respond to http://profesi-unm.com/2015/03/28/10-jurusan-di-universitas-yang-terancam-punah/
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Hmm.. How do we start it.... hmm,, gimana ya, I writing this as a respond to this article named ten courses that might be going down a.k.a close. or to be precise the author use the work vanished. the top 10 courses that might get vanish. http://profesi-unm.com/2015/03/28/10-jurusan-di-universitas-yang-terancam-punah/ Tulisan ini merupakan respond gw terhadap tulisan di link berikut, penulis dari artikel ini mengatakan ada 10 jurusan yang dia duga terancam punah, alias di tutup. http://profesi-unm.com/2015/03/28/10-jurusan-di-universitas-yang-terancam-punah/ You know what, I well aware that the author already put it as his/her own opinion. So basically what I understand here, there is no real survey or research how this 10 courses will be close. Gw sadar penulis menekankan di tulisan tersebut bahwa hal itu adalah sekedar pendapat ataupun opini dari dia pribadi. Basically what the writer said, the top ten "vanish candidate" is 1)Music, 2)Politic and Government...
MLTR (Miaw Learn To Rock) ;v
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And "God loves all his children" is somehow forgotten But we paraphrase a book written thirty-five hundred years ago I don't know. - Macklemore, Same love I supposed its been two or three years ago since the first time I heard this song but still.. this part still tickle me. I'm not gonna lie. Sorry, no offense, I don't mean to be rude with all of christian around the world or Macklemore fans. but em,.. this is really sound so ridiculous. You ask me Why ? before I go through talk about how ridiculous that part, let me talk about how I start to care about LGBT, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. Back then I was working on my Master degree, long story short, I was typing my thesis, then this song just play in one of my favorite radio, 99.7 DJx (yeah, I love to stream this Louisville radio) at the time, I was thought, what a waste, nice tune but the lyrics sound so awful. I never thought this LGBT thing will be a big deal at the time. I though...